Build an Automated Email Workflow using Google Apps Script-Part 1

Build an Automated Email Workflow using Google Apps Script

Build an Automated Email Workflow using Google Apps Script-Part 1
In one of my recent interactions with some clients, I was told to build an automatic emailing workflow to send emails received through a query form. These emails have to be sent both to the customer and the respective department of the company.
After understanding the problem and finding a solution for it, I designed a workflow that looks something like this.
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The user will fill the query form that will go into the Google Sheet. On coming into the Google Sheet, trigger powered code will send a confirmatory email to the user thanking them for filling the form. A second email will go to the Management telling them that a user has filled the query form and these are the details and information of the user and query.
Now that we have understood the problem and developed a workflow for it, let’s get started.
This blog is divided into two parts:
  1. Email to user
  1. Email to Department
In these two blogs we will look at how to develop the entire emailing workflow.
So let's get started.

Sample Google Form

The Google Form that I will be using for this blog is a very simple Google Form that takes the details of the user and the problem that they are facing. The Google Form contains the following questions:
  1. Name of the user
  1. Phone number of the user
  1. Email address of the user
  1. Category of the Problem
  1. Short description of the problem.
If you want to work with the form, you can click here.
You might be thinking what is the use of the Category of the Problem. In the company there are four important departments that are mentioned in the form. The aim is to send an email to only that department that is selected by the user in the Google Form.

Sample Google Sheet

The Google Sheet that I will be using contains the responses filled in by the user in the Google Form. The Google Sheet looks something like this.
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If you want to work with the Google Sheet, click here.

Step1: Automation Script for Users

While you are in the Google Sheet, let’s open up the Script Editor to write some Google Apps Script. To open the Script Editor, follow these steps:
  1. Click on Extensions and open the Script Editor.
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2. This brings up the Script Editor as shown below.
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We have reached the script editor lets code.
Our project is divided into two parts, a Google Apps Script code that sends a confirmatory email to the user thanking them for filling the Google Forms and another Google Apps Script file that will send an email to the department telling them to solve the query entered by the user.
The best part of this workflow is that everything is run by triggers in Google Apps Script. This means the entire process that we are building right now does not need any manual work.
var START_ROW = 2;
function SendEmailtoUser() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("Form Responses 1");
var data1 = sheet1.getRange(START_ROW,START_COLUMN,sheet1.getLastRow()-1,6).getValues();
Here we are going to start off by declaring two global variables that we are going to use to get the data from the Google Sheet. Next we will be opening up a new function called SemEmailtoUser() inside which we will begin by getting the SpreadSheet. To do this we will be using the getActiveSpreadSheet() function.
Next we will be getting the first Google Sheet using the getSheetByName() function, by passing the name as a parameter. To get the data we will be using the getRange() function. Inside this function we will be passing the first row and first column followed by getting the last row using the getLastRow() function. After getting the range, we will be getting the values using the getValues() function.
var name = row[1];
var number = row[2];
var category = row[3];
var problem = row[4];
var email = row[5];
Next we are going to be using a forEach function to iterate through the data that we just got. After that we will be getting all the user details individually using row[i]. Using this we will be getting the name, phone number, category, problem and the email address of the user.
var subject = "Query recieved for ", category;
var EmailBody = "Dear " + name + "," + "<br><br>"+
"We recieved your problem with the following details" + "<br><br>"+
"Description : " + problem + "<br><br>"+
"Category : " + category + "<br><br>"+
"A Customer Service Executive will contact you shortly "+ "<br><br>"
"Regards,"+ "<br><br>"+
"XYZ Solutions."+ "<br><br>";
GmailApp.sendEmail(email,subject,"",{htmlBody: EmailBody});
Next we will be declaring the subject of the email. After declaring the subject we will move towards declaring the email body. The motive of this email is to give the user a confirmation that they have filled the form successfully. The body of the email just contains their details and gives them a confirmation that a company executive will contact them shortly.
Once we are done designing the email body, we move towards writing the code to send the email to the user. We will be using the GmailApp to send the emails to the users. Inside this we will be passing the email address of the user, subject and the email body.
Our code is complete and good to go.

Step2: Add the Trigger

As we had talked about it previously, our main aim is to automate this process. To automatically send these emails we will be using triggers. To add a trigger follow these steps:
  1. Got to the Triggers section in the Apps Script Editor.
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2. Here I have specified the function that I want the trigger to run. After this you have to specify the event type, that is going to be on form submit. So whenever a user fills the form the code will automatically send the email to the user.
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Once you are done setting up the Trigger, go ahead and click on Save.

Step3: Check the Output

Everything is ready and good to go, let's go ahead and fill the form and see if the code works.
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Here I have filled the form with all the required details.
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On successful execution, you can see that I have received an email containing all the details that I filled in the form.
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In this blog we saw how we can use Google Apps Script to send emails automatically on the submission of the Google Forms.In the next blog we will be taking a look at how to send the email to the department that is specified in the form.
You can find the code for this blog by clicking on the GitHub link given below.
Feel free to reach out if you have any issues/feedback via Chartmat Community

Written by

Aryan Irani

Expert in Google sheets and App scripts automation.